Saturday, March 31, 2012

Golden Apple Macbook - Most Expensive Apple Golden Laptop/Macbook

Let's say you're a Mac fan with a desire to stand out and way too much money: what do you do? Well gold-plate your MacBook Pro, of course! Computer Choppers has worked up a one-off example MacBook Pro, and will be offering the service commercially in the near future. In addition to gold-plating the aluminum casing they also paint match the keyboard and trackpad as well as re-engrave the keyboard letters. And if that's not special enough you can even replace the Apple with "your logo in diamonds."
Of course all of this will cost a pretty penny: $1200-$1500, "depending on current gold price" for the gold-plating alone. But with everybody and his brother getting a Mac portable these days, I figure that's a small price to pay for having the most blinged out Mac money can buy. There are more pictures on their site

Golden Apple Macbook
Golden Apple Macbook
Golden Apple Macbook
Golden Apple Macbook
Golden Apple Macbook
Golden Apple Macbook